by: Ms. Vrenilli A. Bereber, Teacher III

School-Based Management (SBM) finally and successfully accomplished their final validation last March 25, 2022 through the initiative of Dr. Gerry C. Catchillar, Secondary School Principal IV and Mrs. Milagros V. Dulce, Chairman of the Committee.
The SBM committee prepared and presented the required documents needed for School-Years 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 2020-2021 for each principle, Leadership and Governance, Curriculum and Learning, Accountability and Continuous Improvement and Management of Resources.

The school underwent series of monitoring and phases of validation to determine its improvement by presenting acceptable Means of Verifications (MOVs) through tangible evidence and documents, printed or digitized, as per required by the validation team namely Rosie O. Rumabaoa, Senior Education Program Specialist, and Dr. Ann Margaret J. Santos, Education Program Specialist II of SDO-Paranaque City.
SBM) is a strategy to improve education by transferring significant decision-making authority from state and district offices to individual schools. It also desires to improve education by transferring significant decision-making authority from state and district offices to individual schools.
Through the efforts and collaboration of the School Administrators, teachers and the said committee, the result of the self-assessment was Best which meant that PNHS-Baclaran has a diverse, mobilized and anchored community with transparency, effectiveness and efficiency.