by: Abiera, Kirk Hammett G., 9-Galileo

Feb 28 was the start of the implementation of expansion of limited face-to-face classes of Grades 7, 8 and 9 attending physical classes for 2 weeks as scheduled.
Students entered the gate of the school in their type C attire and face mask on following the Minimum Health Standard such checking the body temperature, filling out the Health Declaration Form and answering the online attendance form.
Each section was composed of a maximum number of 20 students and met their subject teachers for two hours having the opportunity to learn and understand the lessons with the help of their teachers directly. With that allotted time, they were able to accomplish their self-learning modules and submit their outputs on that day benefiting for those who could not catch up.
Students were advised to always have social distancing and avoid going out of the room; therefore, they already brought their snacks with them for their recess time. They were also being monitored as they left the school by checking their temperature out.
Under this new-yet-old system of education, students are now urged to adapt to another “New Normal.” We used to comply studying under the modular learning system as a placeholder method of education while we remained stuck and isolated in our homes.
Despite how limited our time is in Face-to-Face or in Modular Learning, we should still strive for this sentimental value that education holds. It’s not merely a key to getting a job or a key to inspire others, it’s a key to success. So lift your chin up and fight on!